Athletic Training Locations and Services (ATLAS) Project

The Athletic Training Locations and Services (ATLAS) Project is a joint initiative of the Korey Stringer Institute and the National Athletic Trainers’ Association designed to track access to AT services, improve communication between athletic trainers and produce research for the advancement of the profession of Athletic Training in the secondary school setting. The project has created a real-time database with visualizations that map the level and type of AT services in secondary schools. Specifically, ATLAS aims to advance the following:

Communication Between AT and Healthcare Delivery: The maps provide for quick access to information about other schools. It also serves as a vehicle for ATs to improve the provision of healthcare of secondary school athletes.

Strategic State Initiatives: Via the annual ATLAS reports and specific data requests, state leaders (e.g. athletic training associations, athletics associations, legislators) have the information at hand to address key strategic initiatives to advance the profession and improve the evidence-based best practice.

Advance Research in the Secondary School Setting: The database has the ability to track the changes in this setting and identify the areas associated with improved access to athletic training services and the delivery of healthcare to athletes.

The Value of the Secondary School AT: With a more thorough understanding of the services each AT provides, these data are being used to explore national trends and practices that can quantify the value that the SS AT provide which in turn may improve monetary compensation for services.

group in front of colorado sign

The extent of the ATLAS Project’s survey and database are endless. There is no telling where these data might take the profession from a healthcare delivery and value added perspective. Right now we have a pulse on the status of the Athletic Trainer in secondary schools on a national scale and we need to maintain this momentum. This project can change the landscape of athletic training. - Robert A. Huggins, PhD, LAT

How ATLAS works:

  • The success of the ATLAS Project hinges upon the bi-annual (every other year) participation of the secondary school AT (ideally between August 1st and June 1st of the academic year).
  • In order for KSI to continue to provide up-to-date data to NATA national, district and state leadership we need the assistance of each and every AT working in the secondary school setting. To that point, KSI and the NATA strive to continue to provide states with the real-time data that they need so that progress is not hindered, key areas related to clinical practice are improved, and the health and safety needs of the student athlete are met.
  • Each year KSI will releases the Annual ATLAS Report which is meant to provide accurate information to leaders, researchers, clinicians and the general public so that we may improve the level of care being provided in this setting.

ATLAS Services

ATLAS logo

Athletic Training Services Tables

Athletic Training Services By State Tables 

  • Table 1. Athletic Training Services in US Secondary Schools, by State
  • Table 2. Athletic Training Services in US Public Secondary Schools, by State
  • Table 3. Athletic Training Services in US Secondary Private Schools, by State
  • Table 4. Athletic Training Services in US Secondary Schools, Comparison

Athletic Training Services by NATA District Tables 

  • Table 5. Athletic Training Services in US Secondary Schools, by NATA District
  • Table 6. Athletic Training Services in US Public Secondary Schools, by NATA District
  • Table 7. Athletic Training Services in US Private Secondary Schools, by NATA District

Athletic Training Services by Locale, by State Tables 

  • Table 8. Athletic Training Services in US Secondary School Locales, by State
  • Table 9. Athletic Training Services in US Public Secondary School Locale, by State
  • Table 10. Athletic Training Services in US Private Secondary School Locale, by State

Athletic Training Services by Locale, by NATA District Tables

  • Table 11. National Athletic Training Services in US Secondary School Locale Comparison
  • Table 12. Athletic Training Services in US Secondary School Locales, by NATA District
  • Table 13. Athletic Training Services in US Public Secondary School Locales, by NATA District
  • Table 14. Athletic Training Services in US Private Secondary School Locales, by NATA District

Athletic Training Services by Employment Model, by State Tables 

  • Table 15. Employment Model in US Secondary Schools, by State
  • Table 16. Employment Model in US Public Secondary Schools, by State
  • Table 17. Employment Model in US Private Secondary Schools, by State
  • Table 18. Employment Model of Athletic Trainers in the United States Comparison

Athletic Training Services by Employment Model, by NATA District Tables 

  • Table 19. Employment Model in US Secondary Schools, by NATA District
  • Table 20. Employment Model in US Secondary Public Schools, by NATA District
  • Table 21. Employment Model in US Secondary Private Schools, by NATA District

Athletic Training Services by Education Level, by State Table 

  • Table 22. AT Education Level in US Secondary Schools, by State
  • Table 23. AT Education Level in US Public Secondary Schools, by State
  • Table 24. AT Education Level in US Private Secondary Schools, by State
  • Table 25. Secondary School AT Education Level in the United States Comparison

Athletic Training Services by Education Level, by NATA District Tables 

  • Table 26. AT Education Level in US Secondary Schools, by NATA District
  • Table 27. AT Education Level in US Public Secondary Schools, by NATA District
  • Table 28. AT Education Level in US Private Secondary Schools, by NATA District

ATLAS Surveys & Maps

Are you a secondary school athletic trainer? Are the services your school receives being included in the ATLAS database?

Take the Survey

Info needed for ATLAS survey:

  • School Contact information (Street address, town, state, zip code)
  • # of students enrolled in school
  • # of athletes involved in organized sports at the school
  • # of sports offered at school (men’s and women’s counted separately)
  • Credentials/specialty of MD who signs off on standing orders (if applicable)
  • Credential of athletic trainer completing the survey (optional)

Athletic Training Locations and Services Maps


ATLAS Publications & News

Publications using ATLAS data:

  • Suzuki-Yamanaka M, Huggins RA, Armstrong KJ, Coleman KA, Casa DJ, Kaneoka K. Athletic training employment in secondary schools by geographic setting and school size within the United States [published online ahead of print, 2021 Jan 22]. J Athl Train. 2021;10.4085/109-20. doi:10.4085/109-20 Full-Text Here  
  • Huggins RA, Coleman KA, Attanasio SM, et al. Athletic Trainer Services in the Secondary School Setting: The Athletic Training Locations and Services Project. J Athl Train. 2019;54(11):1129-1139. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-12-19 Full Text Here
  • Filep EM, Huggins RA, Coleman KA, Endres BD, Casa DJ. Secondary School Athletic Trainers, employment type, setting, and reported time spent on job-related tasks. JAT 2019; 54 (6) S-166. Full-Text Here
  • Winkelmann Z, Huggins RA, Eberman. Task Allowance of Athletic Training Students and Student Aides in the Secondary School Setting. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice 2019. Full Text Here
  • Huggins RA, Scarneo SE, Coleman KA, Endres BD, Baker BM, Casa DJ. Socioeconomic Status Impacts Athletic Healthcare in Secondary Schools in The Eastern Athletic Trainers’ Association. JAT 2019; 54 (6) S-164. Full-Text Here
  • Baker BM, Huggins RA, Scarneo SE, Coleman KA, Endres BD, Casa DJ. The Influence of Median Income on Athletic Trainer Services in Florida Secondary Schools. JAT 2019; 54 (6) S-163. Full-Text Here
  • Endres BD, Huggins RA, Coleman KA, Scarneo SE, Keith GG, Casa DJ. The odds of having venue-specific emergency action plans when standing orders are in place in schools with an athletic trainer. JAT 2019; 54 (6) S-150. Full-Text Here
  • Coleman KA, Huggins RA, Endres BD, Mazerolle SM, Casa DJ. The landscape of athletic training coverage in public and private secondary schools: student athletes and sports offered. JAT 2019; 54 (6) S-165. Full-Text Here
  • Pagnotta K, Clines S, Welch Bacon C, Eason CA, Huggins RA, Van Lunen B. Facilitators and Influencing Factors to the Use of Athletic Trainers in Secondary Schools. JAT 2019; 53 (6) S-163. Full-Text Here
  • Clines S, Welch Bacon C, Eason CA, Huggins RA, Pagnotta K, Van Lunen B. Athletic Directors’ Perceptions Regarding the Value of Athletic Trainers Employed in the Secondary School Setting. JAT 2019; 54 (6) S-150. Full-Text Here
  • Huggins RA, Attanasio SA, Cooper GL, Harper RC, Huemme KL, Morris RF, Pike AM, Peterson BC, Pryor RR, Casa DJ. Athletic Trainer Services in the Secondary School Setting: The ATLAS Project. JAT 53 (6) S-210. June 2018
  • Winkelmann ZK, Eberman LE, Huggins RA. Athletic Training Student Aide Task Allowance in the Secondary School Setting. JAT 53 (6) S-214. June 2018
  • Pryor RR, Runestad S, Chong Gum BA, Fuller NJ, Kang M,Beck JJ: Are California High Schools Putting Student-Athletes at Risk? A Look at Medical Care Around the State. JAT 53 (6) S-213. June 2018
  • Howard JS, Baker C, Peters JM, Howard AF. Relationship Between Athletic Trainers Employed in the High School Setting and Emergency Department Visits for Sport and Recreation Related Injuries in Florida. JAT 53 (6) S-212. June 2018.
  • Attanasio S, Huggins RA, Cooper GL, Harper RC, Scarneo SE, Pike AM, Rourke JE, Morris RF, Huemme KL, Bruneay KJ, Casa DJ. Employment of Athletic Trainers In Secondary Schools: The ATLAS Project. JAT 52 (6) S-21. June 2017


When should I take the ATLAS survey?

August 1st-June 1st. The ATLAS survey is designed to be taken every other year. Ideally the survey should be taken when the numbers of athletic trainers, athletes, sports for the academic year are identified.

What is the best way for me to update my info on the ATLAS maps?

The best way to update is to take 5-10 minutes to complete the survey. This way, your school will be updated for the next 2 years and your information will also be updated.

Do I have to take the ATLAS Survey every other year even if I haven’t left my school?

Yes. There are several key reasons why we ask to take the survey every other year:

  1. There are questions that are refined from year to year to address the information needs of your state and researchers who are aiming to improve/advance the services of ATs in the secondary school setting.
  2. We anticipate certain numbers will change over time (e.g. number of student athletes, sports covered, insurance claims submitted, budgets, access to emergency equipment, NATA safe sports school award status) to name a few.
  3. Lastly, turnover within each state is quite frequent for outreach positions which is the majority of employment models in states.

Is there a way for my information from my previous survey to be auto-populated?

No. Unfortunately, our current survey platform does not have the capabilities to auto-populate your responses from a previous year. Please know that we very much value your time and are constantly looking at ways to make the survey easier for participants to complete in a timely manner. If you have a quick change during the 2 year period that your survey is valid, please reach out to one of us so that we can easily make the change. That being said, please know that we are working with technical support to make this process more streamlined for those retaking with no changes to their school and we thank you for your patience. 

I took the ATLAS Survey last academic school year, but I need to change my contact email, phone, name, school address, etc., what should I do?

Please email KSI directly ( with the change and we will process your request without you needing to retake the survey.

I just took the ATLAS Survey, why isn’t my information updated on the map?

Please allow 7-14 business days to get your survey into the database and updated on the maps. During University breaks (e.g. Dec 20th-Jan 20th; May 10th-June 1st), KSI staff is limited during these breaks. We appreciate your support and please allow for extra time to process your survey.

On the maps, I noticed that there is a school that has changed its AT services and it is now incorrect, what should I do?

Thank you for noticing! Please inform us right away ( If the school no longer has AT services, they will be turned to a “Red dot”. If the school is closed, we will remove them. If the school has a different or new AT, we will turn them to “Teal dot” part time for the time being, until that AT takes the survey. Please send us their info or reach out to them and ask them to take the survey.

I am employed by a Medical/University Facility. Our facility provides AT services to many schools in my area- How can we help?

Capturing AT services by employer is critically important for the ATLAS project. Please reach out to your Outreach Coordinator/Supervisor and encourage them to have all ATs fill out the ATLAS Survey in your organization. In this case, the organization/coordinator/supervisor can be put in place of the “First and Last Name” “email” and “phone” as the point of contact for multiple schools should they choose OR may designate one AT on their staff to be the point of contact.

I provide AT services to more than one school, do I need to fill out multiple surveys?

Yes. If you are the primary or sole provider of AT services for that school yes, we kindly ask that you take the survey once for each school. However, if you are not the primary or sole AT, please coordinate with the other AT to have one of you take the survey for the school. **Note: if you provide services to more than 3 schools, we can support you in taking the ATLAS Survey. Please contact explaining how many schools your provide services to and we will coordinate a streamlined way to take the survey.

Does the ATLAS Project need surveys from all ATs at a school?

Yes. While technically we only need surveys from one AT for the school, we encourage ALL secondary school ATs to take the survey for the “non-mapping” database because this will allow us to present information related to “the ATs providing services in the secondary school setting” and not just “the schools with AT services.”

I noticed there are duplicates on the map, what should I do?

Thank you for catching that! Please send us an email ( noting the state, the school name(s) and we will correct/delete one of the entries. Updates to the maps may be seen within 7-14 business days.

I need information or data that is not included in the ATLAS Report or Tables, is this available?

We receive frequent requests from various persons and entities who are interested in customized reports of the data. We will provide information depending on the extent of the request, your position, purpose, and need. Detailed information from the ATLAS Project Survey requires the execution of a data use agreement (DUA) with the NATA and KSI. In all cases, please email us ( with your request and we will do our best to provide you with what you need. Inquiries are on a first come, first serve basis.

If you have more questions about the ATLAS program, please take a moment to fill out the form on our Contact page, or email the program director, Robert Huggins.

Disclaimer: The information displayed in these maps were obtained through an online self-report survey taken by Athletic Trainers and was collected by the Korey Stringer Institute (KSI) with assistance from the NATA Secondary School Committee and its members. Depending on the last date of communication with each school and changes in medical needs, information on the maps may not reflect the current athletic training services.

Data from these maps are property of the Korey Stringer Institute and the University of Connecticut and the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, unless specifically noted otherwise and may be used without charge for any lawful purpose so long as you do not:  1) claim it is your own, 2) use it in a manner that implies an endorsement or affiliation with KSI or NATA, or 3) modify its content. You also cannot present information of your own in a way that makes it appear to be official KSI and NATA material.

Third parties producing copyrighted works using this material must provide notice to KSI and the NATA and such work(s) must identify the KSI and NATA material incorporated.