Research Center
Tools for Research in Occupational Heat Safety
Estimating the intensity of work:
Metabolic equivalent (MET) values by occupation, both estimated and established in the literature, are posted on the website below. METs are used to help determine the amount of calories that an individual is burning during the activities they are performing. This information can allow researchers to distinguish how much heat the worker is generating.
Current Heat Safety Projects
KSI Publications
Morrissey-Basler, M. C., Brewer, G. J., Anderson, T., Adams, W. M., Navarro, J. S., Marcelino, M., Martin, D. G., & Casa, D. J. (2024). The effect of heat mitigation strategies on thermoregulation and productivity during simulated occupational work in the heat in physically active young men. Frontiers in sports and active living.
Morrissey, M. C., Langan, S. P., Brewer, G. J., Struder, J. F., Navarro, J. S., Nye, M. N., & Casa, D. J. (2023). Limitations associated with thermoregulation and cardiovascular research assessing laborers performing work in the heat. American journal of industrial medicine, 66(4), 267–280.
Morrissey, M. C., Kerr, Z. Y., Brewer, G. J., Tishukaj, F., Casa, D. J., & Stearns, R. L. (2023). Analysis of Exertion-Related Injuries and Fatalities in Laborers in the United States. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(3), 2683.
Morrissey, M. C., Casa, D. J., Brewer, G. J., Adams, W. M., Hosokawa, Y., Benjamin, C. L., Grundstein, A. J., Hostler, D., McDermott, B. P., McQuerry, M. L., Stearns, R. L., Filep, E. M., DeGroot, D. W., Fulcher, J., Flouris, A. D., Huggins, R. A., Jacklitsch, B. L., Jardine, J. F., Lopez, R. M., McCarthy, R. B., … Yeargin, S. W. (2021). Heat Safety in the Workplace: Modified Delphi Consensus to Establish Strategies and Resources to Protect the US Workers. GeoHealth, 5(8), e2021GH000443.
Morrissey, M. C., Brewer, G. J., Williams, W. J., Quinn, T., & Casa, D. J. (2021). Impact of occupational heat stress on worker productivity and economic cost. American journal of industrial medicine, 64(12), 981–988.
Belval, L. N., Casa, D. J., Adams, W. M., Chiampas, G. T., Holschen, J. C., Hosokawa, Y., … Stearns, R. L. (2018). Consensus Statement- Prehospital Care of Exertional Heat Stroke. Prehospital Emergency Care, 22(3), 392–397.
Casa, D. J., DeMartini, J. K., Bergeron, M. F., Csillan, D., Eichner, E. R., Lopez, R. M., … Yeargin, S. W. (2015). National Athletic Trainers’ Association Position Statement: Exertional Heat Illnesses. Journal of Athletic Training, 50(9), 986–1000.
Casa, D. J., Anderson, S. A., Baker, L., Bennett, S., Bergeron, M. F., Connolly, D., … Thompson, C. (2012). The Inter-Association Task Force for Preventing Sudden Death in Collegiate Conditioning Sessions: Best Practices Recommendations. Journal of Athletic Training, 47(4), 477–480.
Casa, D. J., McDermott, B. P., Lee, E. C., Yeargin, S. W., Armstrong, L. E., & Maresh, C. M. (2007). Cold water immersion: The gold standard for exertional heatstroke treatment. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 35(3), 141–149.
Outside Publications
Heat Strain Associated with Working in the Heat
Debela, M. B., Begosaw, A. M., Deyessa, N., & Azage, M. (2023). The Burdens of Occupational Heat Exposure-related Symptoms and Contributing Factors Among Workers in Sugarcane Factories in Ethiopia: Heat Stress Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Meter. Safety and health at work, 14(3), 325–331.
Ioannou, L. G., Mantzios, K., Tsoutsoubi, L., Panagiotaki, Z., Kapnia, A. K., Ciuha, U., Nybo, L., Flouris, A. D., & Mekjavic, I. B. (2021). Effect of a Simulated Heat Wave on Physiological Strain and Labour Productivity. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(6), 3011.
Ioannou, L.G., Mantzios, K., Tsoutsoubi, L., Nintou, E., Vliora, M., Gkiata, P., Dallas, C.N., Gkikas, G., Agaliotis, G., Sfakianakis, K., Kapnia, A.K., Testa, D.J., Amorim, T., Dinas, P.C., Mayor, T.S., Gao, C., Nybo, L., Flouris, A.D. (2021). Occupational Heat Stress: Multi-Country Observations and Interventions. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 6303.
Piil, J. F., Christiansen, L., Morris, N. B., Mikkelsen, C. J., Ioannou, L. G., Flouris, A. D., Lundbye-Jensen, J., & Nybo, L. (2020). Direct exposure of the head to solar heat radiation impairs motor-cognitive performance. Scientific reports, 10(1), 7812.
Pogačar, T., Žnidaršič, Z., Kajfež Bogataj, L., Flouris, A. D., Poulianiti, K., & Črepinšek, Z. (2019). Heat Waves Occurrence and Outdoor Workers' Self-assessment of Heat Stress in Slovenia and Greece. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(4), 597.
Flouris, A. D., Dinas, P. C., Ioannou, L. G., Nybo, L., Havenith, G., Kenny, G. P., & Kjellstrom, T. (2018). Workers' health and productivity under occupational heat strain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet. Planetary health, 2(12), e521–e531.
Jay, O., & Brotherhood, J. R. (2016). Occupational heat stress in Australian workplaces. Temperature, 3(3), 394-411.
Brearley, M., Harrington, P., Lee, D., & Taylor, R. (2015). Working in hot conditions—A study of electrical utility workers in the northern territory of Australia. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 12(3), 156–162.
Jay, O., & Kenny, G. P. (2010). Heat exposure in the Candian workplace. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 53, 842-853.
Solutions to Mitigate Occupational Heat Strain
Morris, N. B., Piil, J. F., Morabito, M., Messeri, A., Levi, M., Ioannou, L. G., Ciuha, U., Pogačar, T., Kajfež Bogataj, L., Kingma, B., Casanueva, A., Kotlarski, S., Spirig, C., Foster, J., Havenith, G., Sotto Mayor, T., Flouris, A. D., & Nybo, L. (2021). The HEAT-SHIELD project - Perspectives from an inter-sectoral approach to occupational heat stress. Journal of science and medicine in sport, S1440-2440(21)00053-0.
Morris, N. B., Jay, O., Flouris, A. D., Casanueva, A., Gao, C., Foster, J., Havenith, G., & Nybo, L. (2020). Sustainable solutions to mitigate occupational heat strain - an umbrella review of physiological effects and global health perspectives. Environmental health : a global access science source, 19(1), 95.
Morris N.B, Levi M , Morabito M , Messeri A , Ioannou L.G , Flouris A.D , Samoutis G , Pogačar T, Bogataj L . Piil J.F & Nybo L (2020): Health vs. wealth: Employer, employee and policy-maker perspectives on occupational heat stress across multiple European industries. Temperature.
Jacklitsch, B., Williams, W. J., Musolin, K., Coca, A., Kim, J. H., & Turner, N (2016). Criteria for a recommended standard: occupational exposure to heat and hot environments. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
Effects of Heat on Productivity and Labor
Foster, J., Smallcombe, J. W., Hodder, S. G., Jay, O., Flouris, A. D., Morris, N. B., Nybo, L., & Havenith, G. (2021). Aerobic fitness as a parameter of importance for labour loss in the heat. Journal of science and medicine in sport, S1440-2440(21)00114-6. Advance online publication.
Foster, J., Smallcombe, J.W., Hodder, S. et al. An advanced empirical model for quantifying the impact of heat and climate change on human physical work capacity. Int J Biometeorol 65, 1215–1229 (2021).
Kjellstrom, T., Holmer, I., & Lemke, B. (2009). Workplace heat stress, health and productivity - an increasing challenge for low and middle-income countries during climate change. Global health action, 2, 10.3402/gha.v2i0.2047.
Heat-related Training and Interventions for Prevention
Glaser, J., Wegman, D. H., Arias-Monge, E., Pacheco-Zenteno, F., Prince, H., Chavarria, D., Martinez-Cuadra, W. J., Jakobsson, K., Hansson, E., Lucas, R. A. I., Weiss, I., & Wesseling, C. (2022). Workplace Intervention for Heat Stress: Essential Elements of Design, Implementation, and Assessment. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(7), 3779.
Leyk, D., Hoitz, J., Becker, C., Glitz, K. J., Nestler, K., & Piekarski, C. (2019). Health Risks and Interventions in Exertional Heat Stress. Deutsches Arzteblatt international, 116(31-32), 537–544.
McCarthy, R. B., Shofer, F. S., & Green-McKenzie, J. (2019). Outcomes of a heat stress awareness program on heat-related illness in municipal outdoor workers. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 61(9), 724-728.
Jacklitsch, B. L., King, K. A., Vidourek, R. A., & Merianos, A. L. (2018). Heat-related training and educational material needs among oil spill cleanup responders. Environmental Health Insights.
McCarthy, R. B., Perkison, W. B., Guidotti, T., Nabeel, I., Pensa, M. A., & Green-McKenzie, J. (2018). How can climate change impact the health of workers? Part 1 increased ambient temperature. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
Joubert, D., Thomsen, J., & Harrison, O. (2010). Safety in heat: a comprehensive program for prevention of heat illness among workers in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. American Public Health Association, 101, 395-401.
Body Cooling
Jay, O., Hoelzl, R., Weets, J., Morris, N., English, T., Nybo, L., Niu, J., de Dear, R., & Capon, A. (2019). Fanning as an alternative to air conditioning - a sustainable solution for reducing indoor occupational heat stress. Energy & Buildings, 193, 92-98.
Coen C. W. G. Bongers, Maria T. E. Hopman & Thijs M. H. Eijsvogels (2017) Cooling interventions for athletes: An overview of effectiveness, physiological mechanisms, and practical considerations, Temperature, 4:1, 60-78.
Brearley, M., & Walker, A. (2015). Water immersion for post incident cooling of firefighters; a review of practical fire ground cooling modalities. Extreme Physiology & Medicine, 4.
Bethancourt, H. J., Swanson, Z. S., Nzunza, R., Huanca, T., Conde, E., Kenney, W. L., … Rosinger, A. Y. (2020). Hydration in relation to water insecurity, heat index, and lactation status in two small-scale populations in hot-humid and hot-arid environments. American Journal of Human Biology: The Official Journal of the Human Biology Council, 33(1), e23447.
Chapman, C. L., Johnson, B. D., Vargas, N. T., Hostler, D., Parker, M. D., & Schlader, Z. J. (2020). Both hyperthermia and dehydration during physical work in the heat contribute to the risk of acute kidney injury. Journal of Applied Physiology, 124(4), 715-728..
Al-Bouwarthan, M., Quinn, M. M., Kriebel, D., & Wegman, D. H. (2020). A field evaluation of construction workers’ activity, hydration status, and heat strain in the extreme summer heat of Saudi Arabia. Annals of Works Exposures and Health, 64(5), 522-535.
Brake, D. J., & Bates, G. P. (2003). Fluid losses and hydration status of industrial workers under thermal stress working extended shifts. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60(2), 90–96.
Environmental Monitoring
Garzon-Villalba, X. P., Ashley, C. D., & Bernard, T. E. (2019). Benchmarking heat index as an occupational limit for heat stress. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene.
Budd, G. M. (2016). How should we measure occupational heat stress? Temperature.
Bernard, T. E., & Iheanacho, I. (2015). Heat index and adjusted temperature as surrogates for wet bulb globe temperature to screen for occupational heat stress. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 12(5), 323–333.
Budd, G. M. (2008). Wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT)—Its history and its limitations. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 11(1), 20–32.
Bernard, T. E., Caravello, V., Schwartz, S. W., & Ashley, C. D. (2008). WBGT clothing adjustment factors for four clothing ensembles and the effects of metabolic demands. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 5(1), 1–5; quiz d21-23.
Bernard, T. E., Luecke, C. L., Schwartz, S. K., Kirkland, K. S., & Ashley, C. D. (2005). WBGT Clothing Adjustments for Four Clothing Ensembles Under Three Relative Humidity Levels. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2(5), 251–256.
Emergency Procedures and Action Plans
Andersen, J. C., Courson, R. W., Kleiner, D. M., & McLoda, T. A. (2002). National Athletic Trainers’ Association Position Statement: Emergency Planning in Athletics. Journal of Athletic Training, 37(1), 99–104.
Arnold, T. J., Arcury, T. A., Sandberg, J. C., Quandt, S. A., Talton, J. W., Mora, D. C., Kearney, G. D., Chen, H., Wiggins, M. F., & Daniel, S. S. (2020). Heat-related illness among latinx child farmworkers in North Carolina: a mixed-methods study. A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 30(2), 111-126.
Hansson, E., Glasser, J., Jakobsson, K., Weiss, I., Wesseling, C., Lucas, R. A., Wei, J. L. K., Ekstrom, U., Wijkstom, J., Bodin, T., Johnson, R. J., & Wegman, D. H. (2020). Pathophysiological mechanisms by which heat stress potentially induces kidney inflammation and chronic kidney disease in sugarcane workers. Nutrients, 12(6), 1639.
Al-Bouwarthan, M., Quinn, M. M., Kriebel, D., & Wegman, D. H. (2020). Risk of kidney injury among construction workers exposed to heat stress: a longitudinal study from Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11), 3775.
Dally, M., Butler-Dawson, J., Krisher, L., Monaghan, A., Weitzenkamp, D., Sorenson, C., Johnson, R. J., Carlton, E. J., Asensio, C., Tenney, L., & Newman, L. S. (2018). The impact of heat and impaired kidney function on productivity of Guatemalan sugarcane workers. PLOS One, 13(10).
Tustin, A. W., Lamson, G. E., Jacklitsch, B. L., Thomas, R. J., Arbury, S. B., Cannon, D. L., Gonzales, R. G., & Hodgson, M. J (2018). Evaluation of occupational exposure limits for heat stress in outdoor workers - United States, 2011-2016. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Arbury, S., Jacklitsch, B., Farquah, O., Hodgson, M., Lamson, G., Martin, & H., Profitt, A. (2014). Heat illness and death among workers - United States, 2012-2013. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Activity Modification
Hosokawa, Y., Casa, D. J., Trtanj, J. M., Belval, L. N., Deuster, P. A., Glitz, S. M., Grundstein, A. J., Hawkins, M. D., Huggins, R. A., Jacklitsch, B., Jardine, J. F., Jones, H., Kazman, J. B., Reynolds, M. E., Stearns, R. L., Vanos, J. K., Williams, A. l., & Williams, W. J. (2019). Activity modification in heat: critical assessment of guidelines across athletic, occupational, and military settings in the USA. International Journal of Biometerology, 63, 405-427.
Climate Change and Heat Illness
Puvvula, J., Abadi, A. M., Conlon, K. C., Rennie, J. J., Herring, S. C., Thie, L., Rudolph, M. J., Owen, R., & Bell, J. E. (2022). Estimating the Burden of Heat-Related Illness Morbidity Attributable to Anthropogenic Climate Change in North Carolina. GeoHealth, 6(11), e2022GH000636.
De Lima, C. Z., Buzan, J. R., Moore, F. C., Baldos, U. L., Huber, M., & Hertel, T. W. (2021). Heat stress on agricultural workers exacerbates crop impacts of climate change. Environmental Research Letters, 16.
Tigchelaar, M., Battisti, D. S., & Spector, J. T. (2020). Work adaptations insufficient to address growing heat risk agricultural workers. Environmental Research Letters, 15.
Kjellstrom, T., Sawada, S. I., Bernard, T. E., Parsons, K., Rintamaki, H., & Holmer, I. (2013). Editorial: Climate Change and Occupational Heat Problems. Industrial Health, 13(1), 1-2.
OSHA Policy Reviews
Arbury, S., Lindsley, M., & Hodgson, M. (2016). A Critical Review of OSHA Heat Enforcement Cases: Lessons Learned. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 58(4), 359–363.