Herberto Calves
CEO & Board Director, Proclaim Health
Affiliated Member Of KSI
Herbie’s 30 year career has focused on building brands in health and fitness with innovative solutions to help people lead healthy fulfilling lives. He is currently serving as CEO of a venture capital backed health tech start-up, Proclaim Health. Prior to joining Proclaim, Herbie co-founded and successfully exited two different ventures – a pet technology start-up, Link AKC, in partnership with The American Kennel Club and a connected fitness start-up, Myx /”MIX”/ Fitness, which he took from concept to $130 million in sales resulting in a merger and IPO with The Beachbody Company. In 2018, Herbie was recognized by Forbes as “one of 50 CMOs who are redefining the role and who embody all that the role is becoming, can be and will be in the future”. Prior to his time as an entrepreneur, Herbie spent nearly 20 years in consumer packaged goods and consumer electronics managing businesses such as Lysol, Woolite, Timex, Ironman, and LensCrafters. (LinkedIn profile:https://www.linkedin.com/in/hcalves/)