June T Spector, MD, MPH
Director of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, University of Washington
June Spector MD, MPH, is a Research Associate Professor in the UW Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences (DEOHS), Adjunct in the UW Department of Medicine/Division of General Internal Medicine. She is also an occupational research physician and occupational disease prevention lead at the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries’ Safety & Health Assessment & Research for Prevention (SHARP) Program, where she participates in policy-relevant research, tracking activities, field research, and the Work Equity Research Center (WERC).
Her research focuses on occupational climate-related hazards, including the prevention and management of occupational heat stress, using epidemiologic, field exposure assessment, intervention evaluation, community-engaged, and interdisciplinary approaches. Her research has been supported by Federal (CDC, NIH), State, and non-profit (The Nature Conservancy, Science for Nature & People Partnership) sponsors and has included collaboration with the CDC/NIOSH-funded Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety & Health (PNASH) Center.
Dr. Spector served as a member of the NACOSH (OSHA Advisory) Heat Injury and Illness Prevention Work Group and is a member of the ACGIH® Threshold Limit Values for Physical Agents (TLV®-PA) Committee, Heat Stress/Strain working group. She served as the Director of the UW Occupational & Environmental Medicine Program (2016-2022), as a DEOHS Assistant Chair (2018-2022), and as a co-chair of the CDC/NIOSH Safety and Occupational Health Study Section (2021-2024).
Dr. Spector earned her MD at Yale University, MPH at Johns Hopkins University, and BA at Harvard University. She is an Adjunct Associate Professor – Global Health, Adjunct Research Associate Professor – Department of Medicine/Division of General Internal Medicine and Associate Professor, Medicine – General Internal Medicine.