Kelci A. Stringer

Founder and Spokesperson

Kelci Stringer is a firm believer that your life’s purpose will be revealed to you – even if it’s in the midst of tragic circumstances. Her journey towards advocacy, education and prevention of sudden death in sports began on August 1, 2001 when her husband, NFL All-Pro lineman, Korey Stringer, died from the complications of an exertional heat stroke while practicing with the Minnesota Vikings at the age of 27.

Kelci met Korey when she was a freshman at Ohio State University, where she was pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Psychology. The two were married for four years, and during that time, Kelci gave birth to their son Kodie Drew. As a young widow and mother, Kelci struggled to decide on the best way to honor Korey’s memory, and ultimately established the Korey Stringer Foundation, a 501(c) 3 organization. Through her foundation she was instrumental in developing a partnership among the National Football League, Gatorade and the University of Connecticut forming the Korey Stringer Institute. UConn was chosen because of its reputation as a leader in the study of heat and hydration issues related to athletes and the physically active.

An Atlanta, Georgia native, Mrs. Stringer’s love of community is evident in her other nationwide philanthropic contributions. She regularly assists families and children through donations, mentoring and reading at elementary schools. In 2005, she helped resettle evacuees from New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to Atlanta, booking two hotels and providing food and shelter for several months, as well as grief counseling, job placement assistance, and buses for the evacuees to revisit New Orleans.

According to Mrs. Stringer, she has used the tragedies she’s faced to learn, grow and confidently walk in her purpose. As Mrs. Stringer so eloquently states: “It hasn’t been easy by any means, but I thank God for keeping me, strengthening me and giving me the courage to complete this awesome mission that He has for my life.”

Kelci Stringer
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