Heat Safety & Performance Coalition
Protecting laborers from the dangers of heat stress
We are a unique trifecta of experts, product developers and end users. We believe, and science proves, that implementing heat-safety standards not only keeps workers safe but drives efficiency and productivity in the workplace.
Awareness. An online, interactive knowledge hub.
Solutions. On-site evaluations and scorecard services with recommendations for industrial companies.
Standards. A group of passionate leaders and advocates driving towards change and implementing heat-safety standards.
We blend our collective expertise with your particular needs to deliver heat safety programs to your most valuable asset – your people.
Every day in the United States labor workers are seriously injured or die from heat stress, nearly all of which can be prevented. Heat safety strategies are effective and easy to implement, yet they are grossly underutilized within many laborer settings. We want to help businesses enhance their safety program with heat-safety protocols to ensure every employee returns home safely to their families.
World-renowned heat safety scholar, exertional heat illness expert, and heat stroke survivor Dr. Douglas Casa joined forces with industry leading product developers and manufacturers to establish an entity set out to bring change to the occupational sector.
Through collaborative efforts with thermal physiology scientists, cooling gear developer MISSION, and personal protective equipment manufacturer Magid, the Heat Safety & Performance Coalition (HSPC) encompasses a broad network of experts committed to improving the health and safety of the occupational worker.
We develop and implement comprehensive heat safety solutions for organizations and their employees. The HSPC provides heat-safety research, education, and awareness; advises on heat-safety solutions in a variety of laborer settings; and advocates for heat-safety consensus standards and recommendations.
Services and Resources provided by us!
Founding Organizations and Corporate Partners
The Heat Safety & Performance Coalition was established in 2020 by the Korey Stringer Institute, Mission, and Magid.

Research Tools, Studies, and Publications
Workplace Standards
OSHA’s Beat the Heat National Contest 2023
We partnered with ELSMART Associates to create interactive, educational videos about workplace heat safety.